DIY on the FLy™- July 4th Decorating Ideas

Happy Independence Day! This is one of my favorite holidays because it’s summertime, the backyard BBQ’s are fabulous and it’s the day when our nation proudly displays the red, white and blue colors of our American flag to honor our freedom. The firework displays are kind of fun too! I wanted to share with you a few simple, last minute and inexpensive DIY on the FLY™ ideas to make your own backyard BBQ or party festive and memorable for you and your guests.

Want to wow your guests and excite the kids? Create a starry lawn scene with a simple cardboard template and a little spray paint.
1. Use an old cardboard box your pencil and ruler to draw a star. You can make several in different sizes. Don’t worry about making perfect stars. Perfection is in the imperfection!
2. Use your scissors or a box cutter to cut the center out of each star giving you a finished template.
3. Lay your template flat on your lawn positioned where you want it. Next take your spray paint and spray paint the inside of the template your desired color of Red, White or Blue.
4. Scatter your stars mixing sizes and colors to create a fun landscape and conversation piece for your party!

Here is a simple, fun, festive way to serve a cup, silverware and napkin all in one that won’t break the bank!
1. Use old mason or glass jars left over from canned goods or purchase new ones. You can find them at Michael’s craft stores, Target or Bed Bath and Beyond
2. Next you will need some red, white and blue handkerchiefs which you can also find at Michael’s craft store, Joanne fabrics or online.
3. Take your plastic or metal silverware and put it on a handkerchief and stuff inside the glass.
4. You can display them on trays in the center of a table, or put several down the center of long tables or at the end of your food display. Get creative and have fun with it!

This is such a fun and simple tablecloth or table runner to make! The best part is it can be used year-round for all your backyard parties or BBQ’s!
1. Purchase red, white and blue handkerchief’s from your local craft or fabric store.
2. Measure the length of your table to figure out how many squares you will need to give you at least a 6″ to 8″ drop around your table.
3. Sew the squares together with a 1/4″ seam allowance. If you do not know how to sew you can always use fabric glue with a 1/4″ overlap. (If you decide to use fabric glue, be sure to allow for proper drying time.)
4. Display your new table cloth or table runner proudly!
Now that you have the perfect Red, White and Blue Backyard BBQ and Party theme; sit back and celebrate your family, friends, fireworks and most importantly, how blessed we all are to be free and to live in this great country.
God Bless America!